First Generation Professional

I received my accounting degree from the then 3rd ranked program Nationally – Northern IL University. There were 300+ Accounting graduates & one African American – me.  About mid-way through my career, I recognized that lacking generational exposure to business was part of “something I was missing”. I did not know any uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. with corporate careers to impart the subtleties of corporate culture – and how to work through challenging situations more effectively. I wrote this last sentence in 2017. In early 2022, my good friend @Lori George-Billingsly shared a LinkedIn post on the topic: “How Does Your Company Support First Generation Professionals?” I instantly recalled several conversations with executives from my prior employer when I shared my experiences in line with this (then unwritten) article – that if the company could design opportunities to address this particular part of personal development, that it could be the “unlock” to help spot the hidden talented gems who exist at the company today!

Today, many of us seasoned professionals have a wonderful opportunity to help those trying to figure out the missing pieces required to advance in their careers. It is the part of my job that gives me the most joy!

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